
Parking Tickets & Citations

St. Thomas may issue parking tickets or citations to students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The cost of parking permits and daily fees, along with fines from parking tickets and citations, helps pay for the cost of parking, including lot maintenance and repair, and snow removal.

See the ticket types and fines listed below, including information on late fees. You can appeal a ticket or citation online within 10 days of receiving the citation - see details below.

Types of Tickets and Citations

Outstanding citations may be billed to a student’s account at any time. The amounts listed here are subject to change without notice.

Ticket Type About the Ticket/Citation Fine


A warning ticket may be issued for any violation. No fine is imposed. First time violators may still be issued citations and not a warning.


Vehicle Registration Required

All vehicles parked on St Thomas property must either have a St. Thomas issued parking permit or pay by the hour to park. Permits and hourly parking require registration of the vehicle’s license plate number.


No Overnight Parking

Vehicles without valid St. Thomas resident permits may not park overnight on the St. Thomas campus without prior approval of the Department of Public Safety and/or Parking Services. Only resident students with ramp permits can park overnight in the R3 level of the Morrison Parking Ramp or Level 3 of the Anderson Parking Facility (APF).


Not Within Marked Space

No vehicle may be parked in a space at an angle, on/or over a stall line.


15-Minute Zone

No vehicle may be parked or standing in excess of 15 minutes in a zone marked “15 Minutes.”


No Parking Zone

No motor vehicle may be parked in any space not specifically marked as a parking space or stall – no sign required.


Snow Removal

Upon being given notice that a lot will be plowed to remove snow, vehicles must be moved by the posted time.


No Valid St. Thomas Permit

No motor vehicle may be parked on the University of St. Thomas campus without a St. Thomas parking permit or authorization, except in designated visitor areas.


Unauthorized Parking

Only vehicles assigned or authorized to park in specifically reserved or designated parking areas may be parked in these spaces. Unauthorized vehicles found in reserved or specifically designated parking stalls, parking lots, or roadways may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner/operator’s expense without further notice. A parking space that is coned off is considered a reserved space.


Parked on Grass/Sidewalk

No vehicle may be parked between the boundary line of any parking lot and a sidewalk or any grassy area or area designated as a lawn.



Vehicles may not be parked on any roadway in such a manner as to leave insufficient width of the roadway for free movement of vehicle traffic. When parallel parking, vehicles must be parked within 12 inches from the curb. Vehicles not parked far enough into a parking space as to leave the end of the vehicle hanging noticeably outside the parking space shall constitute a violation. Vehicles other than a commercial or university vehicle may not use any part of a dock area unless prior permission is obtained from the Department of Public Safety and/or Parking Services. No vehicle may be parked as to block vehicle access to any dumpster.


Fire Lane/Fire Hydrant

Vehicles may not be parked in an area designated (with signs or yellow slashed lines) as a fire lane, along a painted curb, or within 10 feet of a fire hydrant. Due to potential emergency situations, parking in a fire lane, even for a moment, shall constitute a violation.


Disability Zone/Ramp

Vehicles may not be parked in a space designated for disability parking, or disability loading/access, without displaying a current state-issued disability license plate or permit. The state fine by public law enforcement agencies of up to $200 may be imposed for this violation in conjunction with the UST fine of $100.


Illegal Use of Permit

Illegal transfer of resident parking permits may result in your vehicle being ticketed, and/or towed as well as loss of parking privileges. Obtaining a parking permit under false pretenses or falsifying the information on the permit application, shall constitute a violation.


Use/Possession of a Stolen/Altered/False Permit

The theft of, use or possession of a lost, stolen, invalid, false or altered parking permit constitutes a violation. This also may result in revocation of parking privileges. NOTE: Theft of a parking permit may result in criminal action being filed.


Additional Fees

Late fees: once a citation is past due, a $5 late fee will be added.

Establishing ownership: if motor-vehicle records are required to establish ownership, an additional $25 fee will be added. If a student's family member is found to be the owner, all outstanding citations may be billed to the student's account at any time.