
Grading and Grade Point Average Calculation

Date Implemented: December 12, 2002
Date Revised: February 24, 2009

Graduate programs may establish policies specifying which grades are assigned from the grade scale listed below. GPA will be calculated for the assigned grades as defined below.

Below are the grade scale and GPA calculation as they appear on the back of the University of St. Thomas transcript and as implemented in the Banner system.

Grading System:

  • A 4.0 quality points C 2.0 quality points
  • A- 3.7 quality points C- 1.7 quality points
  • B+ 3.3 quality points D+ 1.3 quality points
  • B 3.0 quality points D 1.0 quality points
  • B- 2.7 quality points D- 0.7 quality points
  • C+ 2.3 quality points F 0.0 quality points
  • I Incomplete
  • W Withdrawal
  • R Registered, no credit
  • AU Audit, no credit
  • S Satisfactory
  • IP In progress
  • NR Not reported

GPA: The quality point total is the sum of quality points multiplied by total credits. The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the quality point total by the number of courses assigned quality points. Marks of ‘W’, ‘I’, ‘R’ and ‘S’ are not assigned quality points and are not calculated in the GPA.

Important Note: In the absence of a more stringent policy at the school or college level the University Graduate Academic Policies apply. Should a graduate program not have a specific policy or should there be omissions or gaps in the policy for a specific graduate school program, the University Graduate Policy shall govern.

The Graduate Academic Policies are the responsibility of the Graduate Curriculum Committee Convener. For additions or revisions contact gradcurriculum@stthomas.edu.