Student Learning Outcomes: College of Arts & Sciences
Inspired by Catholic intellectual tradition, the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. Thomas engages students in an exceptional liberal arts education that prepares them to be reflective individuals, responsible citizens, and thoughtful professionals committed to the common good.
Learning Outcomes by Program
Actuarial Science BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students graduating with a major in Actuarial Science will become proficient in basic actuarial science and mathematics common to all North American actuarial science programs: (a) calculus of one and several variables and linear algebra, (b) theory of interest, (c) probability and the mathematical foundations of statistics, and (d) basic notions of insurance and risk management.
- Students graduating with a major in Actuarial Science will demonstrate knowledge of more advanced topics in actuarial science, and the ability to think clearly and critically, using appropriate technologies in solving problems related to the analysis and management of risk.
- Students graduating with a major in Actuarial Science will be able to effectively communicate, both orally and in writing, technical and nontechnical information to their peers and non-specialists in their work environment.
Art History BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate the ability to define and conduct a research project, apprehending the quality, methodology, and usefulness of scholarly sources and applying fundamental art historical methods.
- Demonstrate an ability to present results of research publicly, including adjusting the presentation effectively to accommodate the audience and format.
- Demonstrate the ability to articulate the ethical dimension of the decisions relating to the study, display, discovery, and utilization of art and artifacts.
Art History MA Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate the ability to define and conduct a research project, critically evaluating the biases, methods, and strengths of scholarly sources, and applying sophisticated and varied art historical methods to offer an original contribution to the field.
- Demonstrate the ability to deliver results of research in the form of an effective public presentation suited to an audience that includes professionals in the field.
- Demonstrate the ability to articulate the ethical considerations involved in the study, ownership, display, and utilization of art and artifacts, and to recommend a persuasive course of action suited for a professional context.
Art History Museum Studies Graduate Certificate Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an ability to write for varied audiences and complete museum-related projects that span a wide range of themes and topics (for instance, education, curation, audience development, collections, technology, etc.)
- Demonstrate an ability to present results of internship experience(s) in an oral format and to have an awareness of the different approaches required by various presentation media and audiences.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the varied roles that museums play and communities museums serve.
- Demonstrate an ability to apply a variety of methodological approaches to the study of museums, including resources, bibliography, and both traditional and new approaches or theories.
- Demonstrate an ability to articulate the ethical dimension of the decisions relating to the study, display, discovery, and utilization of art, artifacts, objects and documents.
Teaching College Art History Graduate Certificate Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an ability to prepare a well-considered art history course plan that is rooted in appropriate scholarly sources and that demonstrates thoughtful pedagogy.
- Demonstrate an ability to apply a variety of methodological approaches to art, including resources, bibliography, and both traditional and new approaches or theories.
- Demonstrate an ability to articulate the ethical dimension of the decisions relating to the study, display, discovery, and utilization of art and artifacts.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural context in which an artwork is produced. Be able to recognize meaning in the visual arts and to relate this to culture and period.
Biochemistry BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students at the introductory level of biology and chemistry will demonstrate a basic understanding of biological and chemical concepts as well as quantitative problem solving.
- Students who major in biochemistry will have gained sufficient knowledge and skills in the classroom and laboratory to be successful in their future studies (particularly in CHEM 440/442 and 3XX/4XX level biology courses).
- Students will be able to locate the biochemical literature, read it, think about it, question it and understand it, and communicate their ideas about it both in writing and orally to their peers.
- Students will have an adequate understanding across the general core areas of chemistry (inorganic, organic, physical, and analytical) and biology (cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, organismal biology, population biology, evolution, and ecology).
Biology BA/BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to apply the process of science to address a biological problem.
- Students will be able to use quantitative reasoning skills and computational tools to solve biological problems.
- Students will be able to effectively communicate scientific information in written and oral format.
- Students will be able to integrate knowledge across disciplines to address complex biological processes.
- Students will be able to explore the relationship between science and society.
- Students will be able to work as an effective team member.
Biology of Global Health BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to make informed conclusions/judgments about global health issues by using discipline-specific methodologies for organizing and evaluating evidence for phenomena/issues in global health.
- Students will be able to use quantitative reasoning skills and computational tools to solve biological problems.
- Students will be able to effectively communicate scientific information in written and oral format.
- Students will be able to integrate knowledge across disciplines to address complex biological processes.
- Students will be able to identify and analyze the relationships between human health and environmental and societal factors.
Catholic Studies BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Interdisciplinary:Catholic Studies students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the way in which the life and tradition of the Church has informed, and has been informed by, a variety of disciplines, such as the humanities, the creative arts, the sciences, and the practical professions.
- Traditions:Catholic Studies students will evidence an understanding of the life of the Catholic Church, in its various dimensions, throughout history.
- Concepts: Catholic Studies students will be able to explain a body of concepts drawn from the tradition's basic teachings about God, the person, the world, and the modes of living a Christian life.
- Persons:Catholic Studies students will evidence an understanding of how the Catholic tradition has informed and found diverse expression in the lives of individual Catholics, as well as intentional Catholic communities, as professionals, citizens, members of the Church, and disciples of Christ.
Catholic Studies MA Student Learning Outcomes
- Interdisciplinary: CSMA students will be able to evaluate the way in which the life and tradition of the Church has informed, and has been informed by, a variety of disciplines, such as the humanities, the creative arts, the sciences, and the practical professions.
- Traditions: CSMA students will evidence a comprehension of the basic chronological framework of the history of the Church, in its various dimensions, and demonstrate an ability to evaluate the impacts, successes and failures of the engagement of the Church with culture.
- Concepts: CSMA students will be able to explain a body of concepts drawn from the tradition&'s basic teachings about God, the person, the world, and the modes of living a Christian life.
- Persons: CSMA students will be able to explain and evaluate how the Catholic tradition has informed and found diverse expression in the lives of individual Catholics, as well as intentional Catholic communities, as professionals, citizens, members of the Church, and disciples of Christ.
Chemistry BA/BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to identify and explain major chemical concepts and theories and apply them correctly to solve chemical problems.
- Students can critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a scientific argument including applying statistical analysis to experimental results and uncertainty.
- Students communicate scientific information clearly and precisely with appropriate citations, both orally and in writing, to a variety of audiences. Students can identify appropriate scientific literature resources using available search tools and software.
- Students will formulate hypotheses, design a research plan, and carry out experiments for solving scientific problems. Students will record, analyze, and interpret data and justify their conclusions in a chemical scenario using modern instrumentation and technology.
Classics BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Reading: Students graduating with a major in Classics will be able to read and understand fully and with ease short texts in the target language of limited complexity that convey basic information and deal with personal, literary, historical and social topics to which the reader brings personal interest or knowledge. They are able to infer meaning using their knowledge of essential root words in Latin or Ancient Greek and can apply this knowledge to their English vocabulary as well.
- Writing: Students graduating with a major in Classics will be able to compose basic essays/responses to questions/prompts and meet practical writing needs, such as simple messages and letters, requests for information and notes. In addition, they can ask simple questions in writing and summarize things they have read in the target language.
- Students graduating with a major in Classics will be able to listen to and understand information conveyed in simple, sentence-length speech in the target language that relates to familiar or everyday topics including straightforward announcements, or simple instructions and directions or stories.
- Critical Thinking: Students graduating with a major in Classics will be able to formulate an effective, balanced perspective on an issue or topic.
Communication Studies BA Student Learning Outcomes
- As communicators, students will consider their personal and professional obligations to serve the common good.
- Students should demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly and accurately.
Computer Science BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in problem solving.
- Students will be able to communicate technical knowledge both orally and in writing.
- Students will be able to design, analyze and implement algorithms.
- Students will be able to understand multiple programming paradigms.
- Students will be able to explain how data is stored, represented and manipulated.
Creative Writing and Publishing MA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students in the Master of Arts in Creative Writing and Publishing program will be able to demonstrate the ability to produce a sustained literary work of professional quality written as poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, young adult literature, or a hybrid form. This work will demonstrate technical confidence, mature inquiry into literary form, and a well-developed individual voice or aesthetic.
- Demonstrate the ability to analyze literature and articulate responses on craft with acuity and depth. This includes discussion of form and language; literary and cultural contexts; and predecessors, genres, and historical traditions.
- Appraise and place their own work within literary and cultural contexts.
Criminal Justice BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Majors should be able to apply the sociological perspective and sociological concepts to social life.
- Majors should understand the basic methods for collecting and analyzing data in the social sciences, such that they are able to design a study and use a standard computerized statistical package to analyze data.
- Majors should be able to describe and critique the operation and functions of the main components of the criminal justice system as well as understand the social contexts within which they developed.
- Majors should understand the importance and limitations of the major theories of crime and delinquency, be able to apply these theories, and recognize the implications of these theories for crime policy.
- Majors should understand the purpose and sources of criminal law and how the rights of the accused and convicted persons are grounded in the rights afforded to all in the Bill of Rights.
- Majors will explain how interpersonal and structural inequalities and discriminatory actions impact crime and the criminal justice system, creating disparities particularly connected to race, class and gender.
- Majors will develop the knowledge needed to be ethically responsible and competent professionals in the juvenile and criminal justice system in order to advance the common good.
Data Analytics BS Student Learning Outcomes
- [Statistics] Students will apply statistical techniques as contextually appropriate.
- [Computer Science] Students will solve problems using computational skills.
- [Integration] Students will integrate statistical and computational techniques with domain-specific knowledge.
- [Communication] Students will effectively communicate data-driven insights.
Data Science BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students graduating with a major in Data Science will have the ability to fit simple and multiple regression models.
- Students graduating with a major in Data Science will have the ability to visualize and communicate relevant data.
- Students graduating with a major in Data Science will have the ability to apply multivariate analytical techniques.
- Students graduating with a major in Data Science will have the ability to implement data mining and machine learning algorithms.
Digital Media Arts BA Student Learning Outcomes
- As media producers, students will consider their personal and professional obligations to serve the common good.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to write following conventions and standards appropriate to their chosen path.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to produce/design media content following conventions and standards appropriate to their chosen path.
Diversity Leadership MA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students graduating with an MA in Diversity Leadership will have acquired and will be able to apply specialized knowledge in diversity leadership, with a focus on social justice and leading for the common good.
- Students graduating with an MA in Diversity Leadership will be able to conduct critical analysis that reflects the integration of DEI skills with liberal arts’ depth of knowledge on issues of race, gender, disability, religion, communication, and intersecting identities.
- Students graduating with an MA in Diversity Leadership will demonstrate ethical behavior or decision-making in personal or professional interactions informed by DEI principles.
- Students graduating with an MA in Diversity Leadership will be able to collaborate with others in a diverse environment and to build equitable relationships in one’s professional context.
Economics BA/BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Economic Concepts and Models: Students graduating with a major in economics will be able to apply economic concepts descriptively, graphically, and/or mathematically as appropriate.
- Data Analysis: Students graduating with a major in economics will be able to use credible and appropriate economic data to gain insights into specific economic relationships.
- Conducting Research: Students graduating with a major in economics will be able to conduct applied research using econometric tools, credible and appropriate data sources, building on previous scholarly economic research.
- Communication of Economic Ideas: Students graduating with a major in economics should be able to demonstrate the ability to effectively integrate economic understanding to communicate answers to an analytical question.
English BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Close Reading
Knowledge: Students who graduate with an English major will have acquired:
(1) knowledge of the process of reading a text at a fine level of detail;
(2) knowledge of the ways that details of a text combine to form a holistic interpretation.
Skill: Students who graduate with an English major will be able to:
(1) analyze how elements of a text work together to create meaning;
(2) use the details of a text to create a coherent interpretation. - Contextual Knowledge
Knowledge: Students who graduate with an English major will have acquired knowledge of:
(1) primary texts in particular contexts;
(2) the importance of critical lenses in analyzing texts in context;
(3) ability to use secondary texts.
Skill: Students who graduate with an English major will be able to:
(1) provide an original argument;
(2) incorporate evidence in support of that argument;
(3) use a critical lens to interpret a literary text. - Theory & Analysis
Knowledge: Students who graduate with an English major will have acquired knowledge of:
(1) theoretical concepts and how they function to structure our understanding;
(2) how theory can be used as a tool to offer sophisticated interpretation of texts.
Skill: Students who graduate with an English major will be able to:
(1) interpret a text in theoretical context;
(2) use theory as a substantial, appropriate tool to enhance interpretation. - Reflection
Knowledge: Students who graduate with an English major will be able to describe their:
(1) self-awareness as readers, writers, and critical thinkers;
(2) knowledge of key terms and concepts of the course.
Skill: Students who graduate with an English major will be able to:
(1) provide detailed evidence of their development. - Dispositions
Students who graduate with an English major will demonstrate: (1) an appreciation of the value of the methods of literary studies; (2) a commitment to the ethical standards of the profession; (3) a greater awareness of the aesthetics of literary texts; (4) an appreciation of the importance of reading and clearly expressing one's ideas in writing.
English MA Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary genres, traditions, and texts.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how literature is read and interpreted through various historical, theoretical, and other extra-textual perspectives.
- Demonstrate an understanding of current issues in the discipline, including an awareness of the ways in which texts are situated in literary and cultural debates.
- Demonstrate an ability to define and carry out a major research project, including drafting a proposal and bibliography, conducting extensive research in primary and secondary texts, selecting an appropriate critical lens, and writing multiple drafts to complete an article-length study.
- Demonstrate an awareness of one's own reading, writing, and analytical practices as processes; translate self-reflection on one's own strengths and weaknesses as a critic/writer into effective practices of revision and oral commentary on research.
Environmental Science BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will become acquainted with a broad range of concepts in biology, chemistry, earth sciences, and their relationship to environmental science.
a. Students will be conversant in biology, earth sciences, and chemistry.
b. Students will be fluent in one or more specialized subareas of environmental science.
c. Students will demonstrate awareness that the scope of environmental science necessitates an interdisciplinary perspective; they will show competence in approaching a problem using concepts from multiple disciplines. - Students will become proficient in scientific inquiry and analysis.
a. Students will become proficient in exploring environmental science issues through the systematic process of collection and/or analysis of scientific evidence that will result in informed conclusions/judgments.
b. Students will become proficient in technical skills commonly used by environmental scientists. These skills will be acquired via research experiences in classroom, laboratory and field settings. - Students will effectively communicate environmental science-related issues in both oral and written forms.
a. Students will be effective communicators in both oral and written forms to both technical and nontechnical audiences. - Students will gain quantitative literacy and use it to solve environmental science problems.
a. Students will achieve competency and comfort in working with numerical data.
b. Students will have the ability to reason and solve quantitative problems from a wide array of environmental science contexts.
c. Students will be able to create and communicate complex arguments supported by quantitative evidence.
d. Students will become familiar with the major technical and computational tools of relevance to environmental science and understand the limitations of these tools. - Students will be able to identify common ethical issues in environmental science and will recognize ethical ramifications of their actions as a scientist.
a. Students will be aware that as scientists they have ethical (some legally mandated) and will be able to identify resources that further understanding of those.
b. Students will be able to critically analyze and identify common ethical dilemmas environmental scientists encounter.
c. Students will become aware of the influence of religious traditions on our views of the environment and examine how the UST's "core" education can inform their practice of environmental science.
Environmental Studies BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will display the ability to understand relevant peer-reviewed literature and effectively use insights gained from peer-reviewed literature to inform research projects.
- Students will be able to generate and articulate effective research questions.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to address environmental challenges thoughtfully and effectively.
Family Studies BA Student Learning Outcomes
- The student should demonstrate an understanding of the importance of research methodologies employed by family studies scholars and/or an understanding of contemporary peer-reviewed research in the family studies literature.
- The student should demonstrate an understanding of and be able to articulate one or more major theoretical perspectives used by family studies researchers and practitioners.
- The student's work should reflect understanding of the role of studying/working with/doing research on family toward the common good and in creating a wise, moral and just society.
Film Studies BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Understand the language of film and how filmmakers express themselves through the medium of film.
- Analyze film as a form of communication that expresses cultural and/or personal values.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the art of film by producing one's own creative project relevant to filmmaking, screenwriting, film criticism, or another production-related film art.
French BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Speaking. Graduating French majors will be able to engage in conversations relating to work and social situations requiring an exchange of basic information in both formal and informal settings.
- Writing. Graduating French majors will be able to narrate and describe using different time frames as needed when writing about everyday events and content relating to basic work and academic tasks.
- Listening. Graduating French majors will be able to understand the basic facts and some supporting detail of short conventional narrative and descriptive audio texts that feature a clear underlying structure.
- Reading. Graduating French majors will be able to understand conventional narrative and descriptive written texts that feature a clear underlying and familiar structure.
- Critical Thinking. Graduating French majors will be able to formulate an effective, balanced perspective on an issue or topic.
Geography BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will display the ability to understand relevant peer-reviewed literature and effectively use insights gained from peer-reviewed literature to inform research projects.
- Students will be able to generate and articulate effective research questions.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to design and conduct effective research projects that generate high quality maps and graphics.
Geography GIS BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will display the ability to understand relevant peer-reviewed literature and effectively use insights gained from peer-reviewed literature to inform research projects.
- Students will be able to generate and articulate effective research questions.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze spatial questions by designing and implementing effective workflows in the ModelBuilder environment.
Geology BA/BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will become proficient in information and research literacy skills.
- Students will demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking skills.
- Students will demonstrate proficiency in appropriate quantitative skills.
German BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Speaking. Graduating German majors will be able to engage in conversations relating to work and social situations requiring an exchange of basic information in both formal and informal settings.
- Writing. Graduating German majors will be able to narrate and describe using different time frames as needed when writing about everyday events and content relating to basic work and academic tasks.
- Listening. Graduating German majors will be able to understand the basic facts and some supporting detail of short conventional narrative and descriptive audio texts that feature a clear underlying structure.
- Reading. Graduating German majors will be able to understand conventional narrative and descriptive written texts that feature a clear underlying and familiar structure.
- Critical Thinking. Graduating German majors will be able to formulate an effective, balanced perspective on an issue or topic.
History BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Skills
Students who graduate with a history major will be able to:
1. Conduct basic library research.
2. Utilize appropriate historical methodologies to investigate a historical question in context.
3. Employ sound analytical and critical thinking skills in the investigation and interpretation of primary and secondary source materials.
4. Deal with conflicting evidence.
5. Formulate a thesis, craft an argument, and support it with evidence.
6. Address scholarly conversations over time and in context.
7. Express themselves in clear and coherent written presentations. - Dispositions
Students who graduate with a history major will demonstrate:
1. Appreciation of the value of historical methods of inquiry.
2. Commitment to the ethical standards of the profession.
3. Appreciation of the importance of allowing people of the past to speak with their own voice.
4. Understanding there can be more than one interpretation of an historical event.
5. Recognition of the importance of rhetorical style in crafting a sound argument.
International Studies BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Understanding of the contemporary international system in economic, political, and historical terms.
- For students who study abroad: Students should acquire a deeper knowledge of the culture and/or politics associated with the location of study.
- Student use of writing standards appropriate to the discipline of international studies.
- Student use of research and analytical skills appropriate to the discipline of international studies.
Journalism BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to gather information from three types of sources: personal interview, libraries and data banks, and first-hand observation.
- Students will be able to produce journalistic reports for multiple media.
- Students will be able to present journalistic reports with technical skill.
- Students will be able to consider their personal and professional obligations to serve the common good.
Justice & Peace Studies BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Insertion
Students will recognize the importance of social location in influencing their worldviews. - Descriptive Analysis
Students who graduate with a Justice & Peace Studies major will demonstrate skills to analyze how power operates in social contexts. - Attitudes & Aptitudes
Students will demonstrate a commitment to being responsible members of their communities who are actively working to make the world a more just and peaceful place.
Liturgical Music BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Performance
Develop competencies in Performance that include: Development of technical skills requisite for artistic expression; Ability to perform from a cross-section of repertory; Ability to read at sight; Ability to work as a leader and in collaboration; Keyboard competency; Growth in artistry, technical skills, collaborative competence and knowledge of repertory through regular ensemble experiences. - Basic skills and Musical Analysis
Develop competencies in Basic Skills and Musical Analysis that include: An ability to analyze and understand the common elements and organizational patterns of music; The ability to apply, use and place this knowledge in appropriate compositional, performance, scholarly, pedagogical, cultural and historical contexts. - Compositional and Improvisation
Develop competencies in Composition and Improvisation that include: Ability to create derivative or original music both extemporaneously and in written form; The ability to compose, improvise, or both at a basic level in one or more musical languages. - History and Repertory
Develop competencies in History and Repertory that include: Knowledge of music history through the present time; An acquaintance with repertories beyond the area of specialization. - Technology
Develop competencies in Technology that include: An understanding of how technology serves the field of music as a whole; Working knowledge of the technological developments applicable to their area of specialization. - Synthesis
Develop competencies in Synthesis that include: Working independently on a variety of musical problems by combining their capabilities in the listed competencies; Forming and defending value judgments about music.
Mathematics BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Critical Thinking
Students graduating with a major in Mathematics will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and critically in solving complex problems, (a) making use of basic notions of theoretical mathematics, including proofs, and (b) making effective use of technology in the analysis and solution of mathematical problems. - Communications
Students graduating with a major in Mathematics will be able to effectively communicate mathematical concepts and applications of those concepts, both orally and in writing, including responses to questions and comments. - Problem Solving Proficiency
Students graduating with a major in Mathematics will be proficient, to the point of formulating and solving problems, in the following areas common to all major tracks: (a) calculus of one and several variables, (b) linear algebra, (c) differential equations, (d) abstract algebra and (e) real analysis
Mission and Culture in Catholic Education Graduate Certificate Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how the interdisciplinary character of the Catholic Intellectual tradition which shapes Catholic Education is influenced by a variety of disciplines including the humanities, sciences, and social sciences.
Music BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Performance
Develop competencies in Performance that include: Development of technical skills requisite for artistic expression; Ability to perform from a cross-section of repertory; Ability to read at sight; Ability to work as a leader and in collaboration; Keyboard competency; Growth in artistry, technical skills, collaborative competence and knowledge of repertory through regular ensemble experiences. - Basic skills and Musical Analysis
Develop competencies in Basic Skills and Musical Analysis that include: An ability to analyze and understand the common elements and organizational patterns of music; The ability to apply, use and place this knowledge in appropriate compositional, performance, scholarly, pedagogical, cultural and historical contexts. - Compositional and Improvisation
Develop competencies in Composition and Improvisation that include: Ability to create derivative or original music both extemporaneously and in written form; The ability to compose, improvise, or both at a basic level in one or more musical languages. - History and Repertory
Develop competencies in History and Repertory that include: Knowledge of music history through the present time; An acquaintance with repertories beyond the area of specialization. - Technology
Develop competencies in Technology that include: An understanding of how technology serves the field of music as a whole; Working knowledge of the technological developments applicable to their area of specialization. - Synthesis
Develop competencies in Synthesis that include: Working independently on a variety of musical problems by combining their capabilities in the listed competencies; Forming and defending value judgments about music.
Music Business BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Performance
Develop competencies in Performance that include: Development of technical skills requisite for artistic expression; Ability to perform from a cross-section of repertory; Ability to read at sight; Ability to work as a leader and in collaboration; Keyboard competency; Growth in artistry, technical skills, collaborative competence and knowledge of repertory through regular ensemble experiences. - Basic skills and Musical Analysis
Develop competencies in Basic Skills and Musical Analysis that include: An ability to analyze and understand the common elements and organizational patterns of music; The ability to apply, use and place this knowledge in appropriate compositional, performance, scholarly, pedagogical, cultural and historical contexts. - Compositional and Improvisation
Develop competencies in Composition and Improvisation that include: Ability to create derivative or original music both extemporaneously and in written form; The ability to compose, improvise, or both at a basic level in one or more musical languages. - History and Repertory
Develop competencies in History and Repertory that include: Knowledge of music history through the present time; An acquaintance with repertories beyond the area of specialization. - Technology
Develop competencies in Technology that include: An understanding of how technology serves the field of music as a whole; Working knowledge of the technological developments applicable to their area of specialization. - Synthesis
Develop competencies in Synthesis that include: Working independently on a variety of musical problems by combining their capabilities in the listed competencies; Forming and defending value judgments about music.
Music Education BM Student Learning Outcomes
- Performance
Develop competencies in Performance that include: Development of technical skills requisite for artistic expression; Ability to perform from a cross-section of repertory; Ability to read at sight; Ability to work as a leader and in collaboration; Keyboard competency; Growth in artistry, technical skills, collaborative competence and knowledge of repertory through regular ensemble experiences. - Basic skills and Musical Analysis
Develop competencies in Basic Skills and Musical Analysis that include: An ability to analyze and understand the common elements and organizational patterns of music; The ability to apply, use and place this knowledge in appropriate compositional, performance, scholarly, pedagogical, cultural and historical contexts. - Compositional and Improvisation
Develop competencies in Composition and Improvisation that include: Ability to create derivative or original music both extemporaneously and in written form; The ability to compose, improvise, or both at a basic level in one or more musical languages. - History and Repertory
Develop competencies in History and Repertory that include: Knowledge of music history through the present time; An acquaintance with repertories beyond the area of specialization. - Technology
Develop competencies in Technology that include: An understanding of how technology serves the field of music as a whole; Working knowledge of the technological developments applicable to their area of specialization. - Synthesis
Develop competencies in Synthesis that include: Working independently on a variety of musical problems by combining their capabilities in the listed competencies; Forming and defending value judgments about music.
Music Education MA Student Learning Outcomes
- Musicianship
Students demonstrate advanced competencies in music education that should include the skills, knowledge and contextual understandings required for the performance of, creation of and response to a variety of music in a variety of settings. - Theoretical Understandings
Students develop graduate-level perspectives on contemporary issues and problems in music education; Students gain knowledge and skills in one or more fields of music outside the major such as performance, conducting, theory and analysis, and history and literature. - Teaching Practice
Students develop their teaching practice through classwork that emphasizes the extension of specialized performance and pedagogy competencies for music teachers. In addition, students should gain knowledge and skills in one or more fields of music outside the major such as performance, conducting, theory and analysis, and history and literature that will support their classroom practice. - Research Skills
Students should develop research, writing and scholarship skills through theoretical studies and research projects in music education. These skills serve as an indicator of a student's capacity to work independently to solve issues in their classroom and the greater profession.
Graduate Certificate in Teaching World Music Student Learning Outcomes
- Musicianship
Students demonstrate growth in their music skills in addition to developing their knowledge and contextual understandings of any music they learn. In addition, they should be able to use their musicianship skills as a pedagogical tool and model for their teaching. - Theoretical Understandings
Students develop graduate-level perspectives on contemporary issues and problems in teaching world music or piano pedagogy. - Teaching Practice
Students will further develop their pedagogical practice through classwork and experiences that emphasizes the consideration of their teaching skills. - Synthesis
Students will develop a final project/paper/performance that provides evidence of growth and change in their musicianship, contextual and theoretical understandings and teaching practices session.
Graduate Certificate in Piano Pedagogy Student Learning Outcomes
- Musicianship
Students demonstrate growth in their music skills in addition to developing their knowledge and contextual understandings of any music they learn. In addition, they should be able to use their musicianship skills as a pedagogical tool and model for their teaching. - Theoretical Understandings
Students develop graduate-level perspectives on contemporary issues and problems in teaching world music or piano pedagogy. - Teaching Practice
Students will further develop their pedagogical practice through classwork and experiences that emphasizes the consideration of their teaching skills. - Synthesis
Students will develop a final project/paper/performance that provides evidence of growth and change in their musicianship, contextual and theoretical understandings and teaching practices.
Music Performance Student Learning Outcomes
- Performance
Develop competencies in Performance that include: Development of technical skills requisite for artistic expression; Ability to perform from a cross-section of repertory; Ability to read at sight; Ability to work as a leader and in collaboration; Keyboard competency; Growth in artistry, technical skills, collaborative competence and knowledge of repertory through regular ensemble experiences. - Basic skills and Musical Analysis
Develop competencies in Basic Skills and Musical Analysis that include: An ability to analyze and understand the common elements and organizational patterns of music; The ability to apply, use and place this knowledge in appropriate compositional, performance, scholarly, pedagogical, cultural and historical contexts. - Compositional and Improvisation
Develop competencies in Composition and Improvisation that include: Ability to create derivative or original music both extemporaneously and in written form; The ability to compose, improvise, or both at a basic level in one or more musical languages. - History and Repertory
Develop competencies in History and Repertory that include: Knowledge of music history through the present time; An acquaintance with repertories beyond the area of specialization. - Technology
Develop competencies in Technology that include: An understanding of how technology serves the field of music as a whole; Working knowledge of the technological developments applicable to their area of specialization. - Synthesis
Develop competencies in Synthesis that include: Working independently on a variety of musical problems by combining their capabilities in the listed competencies; Forming and defending value judgments about music.
Music Performers Undergraduate Certificate Student Learning Outcomes
- Performance Develop competencies in music performance that include:
1) Development of technical skills requisite for artistic expression;
2) Ability to perform from a cross-section of repertory;
3) Ability to work as a leader and in collaboration;
4) Growth in artistry, technical skills, collaborative competence and knowledge of repertory through regulars solo and ensemble experiences.
Neuroscience BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Foundational Knowledge: Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles underlying nervous system anatomy and physiology, and the role of nervous system function in behavior.
- Critical Analysis: Demonstrate ability to write a research paper that provides a coherent summary and analysis of empirical literature devoted to a neuroscience-relevant research question.
- Research Experience:Students will have at least one comprehensive research experience that involves at least four of the following: Formulating a scientific question relevant to neuroscience; Performing a background literature search; Designing experiment(s) to address the question; Written proposal of research question; Conducting research, including appropriate analysis of the data; Written presentation of the results.
Physics BA/BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students taking introductory physics will demonstrate a nationally normed understanding of physics at an introductory level.
- Students graduating with a major in Physics will demonstrate (a) analytical, (b) experimental, and (c) computational problem-solving skills, as well as (d) oral and written communication skills.
Political Science BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students graduating in Political Science will (1) gain a basic understanding of social science research methods to better consume academic research, (2) apply course material to assess existing political science research, and (3) learn appropriate methods for analyzing and interpreting numerical information.
- Students graduating In Political Science will be able to interpret patterns of economic and democratic inequality across and within developed and developing states, and note inequality's effect on daily life.
- Students will complete a research paper that demonstrates ability to identify and cite relevant political science literature; develop research design and data collection strategy; and examine competing arguments embedded within political issues relevant to that subfield (American Politics, Comparative Politics, Judicial Politics, or International Relations).
Philosophy BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Philosophy majors will be able to argue for a philosophical or interpretive thesis using standard philosophical techniques.
- Philosophy majors will display critical understanding of the Aristotelian/Thomistic tradition.
- Philosophy majors will display critical understanding of the theoretical foundations of morality.
Psychology BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate a broad and general knowledge of psychology, including its history, methods of study, major applications, and ethical issues.
- Demonstrate ability to write a research paper that provides a coherent summary and analysis of empirical literature devoted to a psychological research question.
- Demonstrate ability to conduct appropriate psychological research to investigate problems related to behavior and mental processes.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how psychology has been and can be applied to enhance human welfare, promote social justice, and appreciate human differences.
Risk Management and Insurance Undergraduate Certificate
- Concepts: Students demonstrate an introductory understanding of current RM&I topics.
- Communication: Students demonstrate strong written communication skills in conveying RM&I information.
Spanish BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Reading. Graduating Spanish majors will be able to understand conventional narrative and descriptive written texts that feature a clear underlying and familiar structure.
- Speaking. Graduating Spanish majors will be able to engage in conversations relating to work and social situations requiring an exchange of basic information in both formal and informal settings.
- Listening. Graduating Spanish majors will be able to understand the basic facts and some supporting detail of short conventional narrative and descriptive audio texts that feature a clear underlying structure.
- Writing. Graduating Spanish majors will be able to narrate and describe using different time frames as needed when writing about everyday events and content relating to basic work and academic tasks.
- Critical Thinking. Students graduating with a major in Spanish will be able to formulate an effective, balanced perspective on an issue or topic.
Spanish MA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will demonstrate critical understanding of Hispanic Cultures, Literatures, and Linguistics; Spanish for Teaching; and/or Spanish for the Professions including summarizing factual knowledge, comparing and contrasting, and analyzing and synthesizing texts and information.
- Students will demonstrate ability to conduct a research project and communicate the results in the area of Hispanic Cultures, Literatures, and Linguistics; Spanish for Teaching; and/or Spanish for the Professions. This will include creating a hypothesis, evaluating critical approaches or methodologies, and analyzing and synthesizing scholarly sources and/or methods and approaches.
- Students will demonstrate ability to write in a scholarly fashion in Spanish, including integrating scholarly sources and developing and supporting an argument in clear, well-organized, accurate written Spanish.
Hispanic Cultures, Literatures, and Linguistics Certificate Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will demonstrate critical understanding of Hispanic Cultures, Literatures, and Linguistics including summarizing factual knowledge, comparing and contrasting, and analyzing texts and information.
- Students will demonstrate ability to conduct a research project in Hispanic Cultures, Literatures, and/or Linguistics,including creating a hypothesis, evaluating critical approaches or methodologies, and analyzing scholarly sources.
- Students will demonstrate ability to write in a scholarly fashion in Spanish, including integrating scholarly sources and developing and supporting an argument in clear, well-organized, accurate written Spanish.
Sociology BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Majors will understand how sociology explains social reality, by applying the sociological perspective and sociological concepts to social life and society.
- Majors will understand the basic methods for collecting and analyzing data in the social sciences, such that they are able to design a study and use a standard computerized statistical package to analyze data.
- Majors will understand the importance of theory in sociology, including defining and applying theoretical concepts.
- Majors will understand key concepts in the discipline, such as culture, social construction of reality, social change, social control, socialization, stratification, social structure, institutions, and differentiations by race/ethnicity, gender, age, and class.
- Majors will understand how culture and social structure operate, including the roles and impacts of institutions, social change, power, wealth, social policy, and historical/ global variance.
- Majors will understand the relationships between individuals and society, by explaining the sociological development of self, the impact of social structures on individual behavior and development, and the impact of the self and social interaction on society and social structures.
- Majors will understand the diversity and stratification of American society and the significance of race, class, gender, and age differences.
- Students will use sociological lenses to explore social issues and develop the skills necessary to be competent, ethical, and civically engaged professionals who serve their communities to advance the common good.
Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will develop strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.
- Students will develop professional writing skills.
- Students will be able to demonstrate mastery of the body of knowledge in strategic communication.
- Students will be able to consider their personal and professional obligations to serve the common good.
Statistics BS Student Learning Outcomes
- Students graduating with a major in Statistics will have the ability to apply foundational descriptive and exploratory statistics to analyze data.
- Students graduating with a major in Statistics will have the ability to recognize and apply appropriate statistical models or inferential techniques.
- Students graduating with a major in Statistics will have the ability to demonstrate proficiency with appropriate computational software and tools.
- Students graduating with a major in Statistics will have the ability to interpret and critically evaluate research methodology and statistical findings.
Theology BA Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will demonstrate a grounding in Catholic theological tradition.
- Students will be able to discern and analyze fundamental aspects of religions, reflecting basic religious literacy and openness to wisdom traditions.
- Students will be able to construct a rigorous, academically informed theological argument.
- Students will be able to develop and research a theological question.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the common good in theological and comparable traditions and be able to connect this understanding to pressing challenges in today's world.
Theology - Lay Ministry Undergraduate Certificate Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will demonstrate a grounding in Catholic theological tradition.
- Students will be able to engage in constructive theological dialogue informed both by theological argument and pastoral sensitivity.
- Students will be able to integrate theological content, praxis, and ministry within the context of Latino parishes and communities.
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies BA Student Learning Outcomes
- To become familiar with recognized and recent writing/scholarship, including feminist perspectives that represent current trends in the discipline.
- To critically examine gender as a social force that is changing or has shaped the situation of women, men and other gender identities.
- To analyze the effects oppressive systems, e.g., imperialism, colonialism, racism, sexism, and/or heterosexism. on women, men and other gender identities.
- To discuss strategies for personal and/or social changes towards a more inclusive and more equitable treatment of all gender identities, with respect for the dignity of all.