The Spiritual Heart of Campus
The Iversen Center for Faith is the home of Campus Ministry, the Hoedeman Gallery of Sacred Art, the Multifaith Meditation Room, Guy and Barbara Schoenecker Hall, and amphitheater. It provides members of the university community a place to gather where faith can be celebrated and explored.
As a Catholic institution, the St. Thomas community is an increasingly diverse community with members from many faiths. Campus Ministry includes Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Protestant faith leaders.

We, of all faith traditions, are called to be bearers of hope, for the present life and for the life to come, and to be witnesses, restorers and builders of this hope, especially for those experiencing difficulties and despair. May we, the community at St. Thomas all be renewed in that divine hope.

Sacred Space for All Faiths
The Iversen Center for Faith brings all of Campus Ministry into one area. This dedicated space for religious diversity includes a multifaith meditation room, sacred arts gallery, and offices for our faith leaders. The center’s bathrooms include wudu/ablution stations for men and women.

An Artistic Hub
The Iversen Center for Faith is home to the Chapel Arts Series and the Hoedeman Gallery of Sacred Art, which showcases permanent and rotating exhibitions from all religious and sacred contexts.
Event and Congregation Space

Event Gathering Space

Watch a Video Tour
Take a closer look at the new Iversen Center for Faith through our in-depth video tour.
About the Donors