
Prestigious Scholarship Support

Global Learning and Strategy and the Office of Academic Affairs support the Director of Prestigious International Scholarships at St. Thomas.

Students are welcome to explore and apply for these prestigious grants and scholarships which offer international opportunities for students in a wide array of fields of study.

Learn More on OneStThomas

for more in-depth information about processes and deadlines for these scholarships.

Contact Information

Director of Prestigious International Scholarships
(651) 962-5366

Fulbright U.S. Student Program

  • Overview
  • Grant Types
  • Eligibility
  • Application Timeline
  • First Steps to Apply
  • Program Overview

    The U.S. Fulbright Student Program is a prestigious international cultural and educational exchange program sponsored by the United States Government. The goal of the program is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and the people of other countries.

    More than 2000 Fulbright participants live and work in roughly 140 countries each year, supported by travel funding, a stipend, and benefits provided by the grant, which takes place outside of the U.S. for 8-10 months after graduation with a bachelor's degree or during graduate degree enrollment.

    Fulbright opens opportunities for students to achieve personal, academic, and cultural goals to the benefit of the host country as well as the United States. The University of St. Thomas promotes and supports current students and alumni as they compete for this scholarship.

    Grant Types

    Applicants design their own projects and will typically work with advisers at foreign universities or other institutions of higher education. Projects are typically either conducted through independent study/research or through graduate degree enrollment, according to the requirements of the host country. Some countries offer special Open Study/Research Grants that are field-specific.

    The ETA program places grantees in schools or universities overseas to supplement local English language instruction. Host countries dictate the placement of the grantee.

    Visit the Fulbright website for information about special grants available during the current application cycle, or supplemental funding sometimes made available to successful grantees.

    Who Can Apply?

    To apply to the U.S. Fulbright Student Program with University of St. Thomas support, you can be any of the following:

    1. A currently enrolled student who will have completed your St. Thomas bachelor's degree by the time you expect to start the Fulbright program abroad;
    2. A currently enrolled St. Thomas graduate student;
    3. An alumnus/a of a bachelor or graduate degree program at St. Thomas.

    Application Timeline

    Spring: Application opens in March/April. Learn about the application process. Identify yourself as a candidate by June. Select a grant type and host country. Pair up with a faculty advisor.

    Summer: Draft and revise your application with your faculty advisor. Request recommendation and (if applicable) a language evaluation. Secure a letter of affiliation. Design a community engagement plan.

    Fall: Submit all materials for the September campus deadline. Meet the campus committee for an interview. Make the last revision to your application. Submit for the national deadline in early October.

    Winter/Spring: Wait for decision notifications from Fulbright. Receive notice of semifinalist status by January-February. Respond to any requests for further information from Fulbright. Receive notice of finalist status between March and June.

    Summer/Fall: Complete all final requests from Fulbright to confirm finalist status. Attend any required orientations. Prepare to depart. Travel to your host country to begin your proposed program.

    First Steps to Apply

      1. Express your interest: Email Laura Bru, Program Manager for the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, as soon as you are motivated to participate in the program. Plan ahead, even as early as your First or Second year.
      2. Attend an Info Session in April. If you are abroad during the Spring semester, request to attend the Zoom info session.
      3. Commit to apply: Fill in the Intent to Apply form to receive all on-campus support including the on-campus interview.
      4. Submit application. The applicant needs to complete the following materials:
        • Application form
        • Personal statement
        • Official transcripts
        • Letter of Affiliation (if applicable)
        • Foreign Language Self-evaluation (if applicable)
        • Additional materials from recommenders/evaluators, including three letters of recommendation and Foreign Language Evaluation (if applicable)
      5. Interview on campus with the Committee to strengthen your application and be endorsed by St. Thomas as a candidate for Fulbright.


    Program Overview

    The U.S. Fulbright Student Program is a prestigious international cultural and educational exchange program sponsored by the United States Government. The goal of the program is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and the people of other countries.

    More than 2000 Fulbright participants live and work in roughly 140 countries each year, supported by travel funding, a stipend, and benefits provided by the grant, which takes place outside of the U.S. for 8-10 months after graduation with a bachelor's degree or during graduate degree enrollment.

    Fulbright opens opportunities for students to achieve personal, academic, and cultural goals to the benefit of the host country as well as the United States. The University of St. Thomas promotes and supports current students and alumni as they compete for this scholarship.

    Grant Types

    Grant Types

    Applicants design their own projects and will typically work with advisers at foreign universities or other institutions of higher education. Projects are typically either conducted through independent study/research or through graduate degree enrollment, according to the requirements of the host country. Some countries offer special Open Study/Research Grants that are field-specific.

    The ETA program places grantees in schools or universities overseas to supplement local English language instruction. Host countries dictate the placement of the grantee.

    Visit the Fulbright website for information about special grants available during the current application cycle, or supplemental funding sometimes made available to successful grantees.


    Who Can Apply?

    To apply to the U.S. Fulbright Student Program with University of St. Thomas support, you can be any of the following:

    1. A currently enrolled student who will have completed your St. Thomas bachelor's degree by the time you expect to start the Fulbright program abroad;
    2. A currently enrolled St. Thomas graduate student;
    3. An alumnus/a of a bachelor or graduate degree program at St. Thomas.

    Application Timeline

    Application Timeline

    Spring: Application opens in March/April. Learn about the application process. Identify yourself as a candidate by June. Select a grant type and host country. Pair up with a faculty advisor.

    Summer: Draft and revise your application with your faculty advisor. Request recommendation and (if applicable) a language evaluation. Secure a letter of affiliation. Design a community engagement plan.

    Fall: Submit all materials for the September campus deadline. Meet the campus committee for an interview. Make the last revision to your application. Submit for the national deadline in early October.

    Winter/Spring: Wait for decision notifications from Fulbright. Receive notice of semifinalist status by January-February. Respond to any requests for further information from Fulbright. Receive notice of finalist status between March and June.

    Summer/Fall: Complete all final requests from Fulbright to confirm finalist status. Attend any required orientations. Prepare to depart. Travel to your host country to begin your proposed program.

    First Steps to Apply

    First Steps to Apply

      1. Express your interest: Email Laura Bru, Program Manager for the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, as soon as you are motivated to participate in the program. Plan ahead, even as early as your First or Second year.
      2. Attend an Info Session in April. If you are abroad during the Spring semester, request to attend the Zoom info session.
      3. Commit to apply: Fill in the Intent to Apply form to receive all on-campus support including the on-campus interview.
      4. Submit application. The applicant needs to complete the following materials:
        • Application form
        • Personal statement
        • Official transcripts
        • Letter of Affiliation (if applicable)
        • Foreign Language Self-evaluation (if applicable)
        • Additional materials from recommenders/evaluators, including three letters of recommendation and Foreign Language Evaluation (if applicable)
      5. Interview on campus with the Committee to strengthen your application and be endorsed by St. Thomas as a candidate for Fulbright.