
Laptop showing a virtual interviewer

After Your Interview

A strong follow-up helps the interviewer confirm your professionalism.

Finish Strong

After the interview is over, congratulate yourself for your accomplishment! But don't forget, there is still work to be done.

Keep Reading to Learn:

  • Best practices on follow-through etiquette
  • How to craft a thank you note
  • Reference a sample template

Send a Thank-You Note

Make sure you send thank-you notes to all of your interviewers. Usually an e-mail is perfectly fine, but if you are able to quickly get them a handwritten note, that's nice too.

Follow Their Instructions

Follow-through on any instructions they gave you: if they asked for a list of references, make sure they get that. If you need to update your application, don't delay in doing that!

Be Patient

Be patient. Employers will usually give you a timeline of next steps. If you find that they are falling behind on that timeline, you may politely reach out to check in, but do not bombard them with e-mails or phone calls.

A Thank-You Note Template

Dear (Interviewers):

First Paragraph: Thank the interviewer (or group of interviewers), expressing appreciation for the time they took, and the courtesy and consideration extended to you. You may want to mention the position for which you were interviewed and the date you were interviewed, as well. Perhaps refer to something you found especially enlightening that they shared during the interview, to show that you were listening and appreciate their conversation.

Second Paragraph: Reaffirm your interest in the position. Mention anything you feel is important that you might have forgotten in the initial interview, and take the opportunity to clarify anything you feel you may have misinterpreted during the course of the interview.

Final Paragraph: Show willingness to provide any additional clarifying data or statements, and submit any further information you may want to add to your application (including things like a list of references).

Close with a statement of confidence that you have the ability to do the job and express your desire to move forward in the interview process. Thank the interviewer or interviewers again before you sign off.

Sincerely (or another appropriate sign-off),

Your Name

Next Steps

During your interview:

  • Note who you will need to send a thank-you note to
  • Listen for next steps and instructions on materials you may need to provide as a follow-up

After the interview:

  • Reflect on what you learned from the interview
  • Draft your thank-you note that reiterates your interest and skills applicable to the role
  • Have it reviewed!